Saturday 25 May 2013

Nokia has filed further cases in the United States alleging that HTC products infringe additional Nokia patents” is the wording from a Nokia statement. The Finnish phone maker has filed another ITC complaint against the Taiwanese manufacturer, targeting the HTC One, among others.

“We began actions against HTC in 2012 to end the unauthorised use of our proprietary innovations and technologies. Since then, despite the German courts confirming infringements of Nokia patents in HTC products, HTC has shown no intention to end its practices, instead it has tried to shift responsibility to its suppliers. We have therefore taken these further steps to hold HTC accountable for its actions”, claims Nokia.

Patents claimed infringed vary, depending on the case and the courts filed in, and they relate to chips made by Broadcom and Qualcomm, present in the HTC One, as well as one for a “terminal, method and computer program product for interacting with a signalling tag”, claimed infringed by around ten HTC phones, among which the First and the One.

In this latest second ITC filing Nokia asks the Commission to ban sales of the HTC One.


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