Friday 24 May 2013

After we saw the “Google Edition” Samsung Galaxy S 4 on stage at Google I/O, the rumor mill started going crazy about a Google Edition HTC One. Despite the official, and unequivocal, denial from HTC, these rumorsreturned to the headlines, and they’re persistent.
For today’s dose of hear-say we recommend both your skeptical hat and your pinch of salt. According to the report “HTC is considering a stockAndroid variant of the One for release in the US”. All this should happen, according to those claiming knowledge, in the next couple of weeks. However, even the report, based on several unnamed sources, keeps a fairly safe approach in the wording: “HTC is considering”.
Whether it will take another official denial or just a two-week waiting period to see the phone, or finally dismiss the rumors, is yet unknown. We’ll keep you posted though. Meanwhile, let us know: if you haven’t already purchased the HTC One, would you consider grabbing a Google Edition HTC One with vanilla version of Android 4.2.2?


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